Become a GA-AIMH Member Today!
Join a growing community of multidisciplinary professionals who are shaping the field of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) in Georgia. Membership is open to ALL infant, early childhood, and family-serving individuals. Whether you’re a child care provider, mental health clinician, home visitor, pediatrician, speech pathologist, lobbyist, or a person with lived experience, membership is available to you! By becoming a member, you’ll be able to expand your professional connections, access professional development opportunities and enhance your knowledge and expertise in the field of IECMH.
GA-AIMH Membership is Only $25 Annually!
Membership Benefits:
Endorsement: Anyone interested in applying for the IECMH Endorsement must maintain active membership.
Professional Development: Access to trainings, webinars, and conferences that will count towards IECMH Endorsement. Members will have access to these events at no cost or a reduced rate.
Advocacy: Join a community of people committed to promoting programs and services that speaks to the importance of early relationships at the forefront of decision making.
Networking: Connect with colleagues who are dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of infants and young children and their families.
Membership is based on the calendar year, from January to December. Current memberships will expire if not renewed by February 15th. All dues go directly to supporting the expenses of operating the association and our events.
Email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Contact Us
Center for Leadership in Disability
Urban Life Building
140 Decatur Street SE
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30303